About Ookii na Manga


What is OnM?

Ookii na Manga, aka OnM, is a niche print-on-demand store for weebs. OnM provides a unique and distinct community for weebs to discover, transform, preserve, and share their passion through our customizable print options including electronics, wall decor, home goods, etc. OnM is the go-to online marketplace for all prints associated with manga, comics, and similar art types. 



OnM's Birth

Ookiinamanga.com is a subsidiary of Peddy Corporation of Disruption and Innovation LLC, aka PCDI. PCDI is a tech company focused on developing and using disruptive technology to create, enter, and innovate niche markets and industries. Noah Peddy, the owner of PCDI, has been reading manga and watching anime ever since he stumbled upon and read Rave Master back when he was 8 years old. Now as an entrepreneur and a third-year at Drexel University, Noah built Ookii na Manga to allow himself the opportunity to work in an environment and industry that he loves and is also very familiar with, all while creating a network/community of manga lovers.